
The quirky bird with a smaller red horn – Tanzanian Red-Billed Hornbill

The Tanzanian Red-Billed Hornbill (Tockus ruahae) is found in open, wooded savanna with sparse groundcover, especially areas heavily trampled by…

3 years ago

Diedericks Cuckoo – the bird whose call is it’s name

The Diedericks Cuckoo has a very distinctive call, which just so happens to sound much like its name. It is…

3 years ago

Can you see the Spotted Thick-knee on our birding tours?

The answer to this question is 'Yes'. The Spotted Thick-knee is native to the grasslands and savannahs of sub-Saharan Africa…

3 years ago

5 Travel niches expected to have explosive growth in 2021

2021 is here; and hopefully with it, some relief for travel and tour operators. The world has spent the last…

3 years ago

The feathered and the nestless Black-bellied Bustard

Hearing a Black-bellied Bustard is an unusual experience. They have a rather striking call. Identification assistance  The male and female…

3 years ago

Tips for when you book your birding tour air ticket

Your birding trip is booked, and now it is time to book your air ticket. This can prove to be…

3 years ago

Why you should see the Yellow-billed Stork on a birding tour

Seeing a Yellow-billed Stork (Latin name - Mycteria Ibis) is an unusual experience. They are not small birds, which makes…

3 years ago

How to choose the perfect birding tour for you

Birding is more than just a hobby. It turns out it has become as popular as ... well... a phenomenon.…

4 years ago

Augur Buzzard – A guaranteed sighting with Tanzania Birding

The joy of birding is best shared, and so, this week, the bird we are following is the Augur Buzzard.…

4 years ago

The Red-billed Firefinch – for a more vibrant birding experience

Following hot on the heels of our Facebook bird of the week post, we present our bird of the week…

4 years ago